Reasons for Recheck Locks of The House from A Locksmith Before Renting It Out


House Security

When a tenant leaves the house after the completion of the rent agreement, he hands out the keys of the house to the landlord. The landlord then needs to prepare the house for giving it out on rent to his next tenant. However, many landlords neglect to check the locks of his house during this preparation of his home. Nevertheless, the rechecking of the locks by a professional locksmith is essential before handing the house over to the next tenant.

The necessity for checking locks by a locksmith before giving the house on rent:


  • The previous tenant may have changed any lock, whose keys are not handed over to the landlord. So, the landlord needs to hire a locksmith to build new keys to those locks for giving to a new tenant.                              
  • The landlord may discover any lock to be broken by the previous tenant that should be repaired before giving the house again on rent to another person. Else, the new tenant will have to face a lot of problem due to this issue.        
  • When the lock is rekeyed by the landlord before giving the house on rent, the new tenant may feel more secured inside that house, regarding the safety of his family and his belongings. The creation of new key means that only the new tenant and the landlord can have access to that key, ensuring total security of the tenant.                                                                       
  • When the tenant feels good and secure at his new home due to the new locks, his relationship with his landlord is bound to improve. The tenant feels grateful to his landlord for the fact that he will not have to pay for the repair of the locks.                                                                                      
  • The safety of the tenant and his belongings is a responsibility of the landlord that is fulfilled by the change of the locks or the installation of the new locks in the house. Moreover, the new locks are mostly easy to operate by the tenants, making them happy about their new home.                                       
  • If the relationship with the previous tenant had not been so cordial, the change of keys will put an end to any probability of breaking in by that tenant, keeping the property secure and prevent terrorizing the new tenant.                                 
  • The landlord may also install highly advanced security lock system at home, providing extra full-proof security to the tenant’s family. The alarm for identifying the intruders is also a favourite security system controlled with a codeword.

How to find the most competent and reliable locksmith?


The landlords need to find only trusted locksmith who will be able to make new keys for the locks of their houses. So, they can just search on the internet and find the best locksmiths in their localities, if they do not know anyone already. The reliability of these locksmiths can be checked from the testimonials posted on their websites or from the references of the known people. The registration or other valid credentials of the locksmiths should be checked as well in order to be assured about their trustworthiness. The locksmiths should be called up and can be asked many questions regarding their job, to be sure about their competence and their reliability.

The tenants need to hand over the keys to the new locks to the landlord, at the time of leaving the rented property. However, they should take care and avoid misplacing any of the keys handed over to them at the time of entering the house on rent. Be a responsible tenant and take care of the keys. 


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