Important Aspects To Take Into Account About Parking Bollards


Parking bollards are generally installed in a parking space. They are also known by the name of “Parking Posts”. These parking bollards are usually placed at the farthest end of parking slots. They are mainly used as wheel stops and guides while parking a vehicle. Drivers who reverse their car into the parking slot look back to these bollards for getting a better understanding of the parking space which further helps them to park the vehicle in the middle of the slot.

  • Parking posts for authorised access

The parking posts providing access to a parking slot should essentially be movable. There are two major types of bollards functioning that are generally installed at the entrance of a parking slot.

  • Collapsible Parking Bollards

The collapsible parking bollards are placed on a hinged mount. They get locked in a straight upright position either with the help of an internal mechanism or with the help of a padlock onto the road surface. Once unlocked these Parking Bollards can be folded with ease or collapsed on the ground. The vehicle having the authorisation of the parking slot can then be parked over the top of these bollards.


  1. The parking bollards demands easy installation right from the bolt to the surface
  2. It has multiple functions as it helps in bike parking and also has decorative features like annular rings.
  • Telescoping Parking Bollards

Telescoping parking bollards are also known as Retractable parking bollards. These parking bollards usually slide into the receptacles in the ground below allowing the vehicle to enter into its authorised space. The telescoping parking bollards come in both single as well as double-locking technology.


  1. The Telescoping Parking Bollards generally offer a very sleek and stylish profile.
  2. It is not at all a hazard that occurs from tripping over. While at the bottom this bollard retracts itself completely from the surface. It can easily be driven over.
  • Maintenance of Parking Bollards

All sorts of parking bollards require a bit of care and are maintained so as to keep them in good condition for working. Wiping all kinds of grease, salt and dirty elements from its surface and regular lubrication of the moving parts will help in keeping the metals in a working condition for a pretty good amount of time.

  • Parking Bollards as Stops

Parking Bollards can also be used at the farthest end of a parking slot indicating the driver of the vehicle to stop. Just like a wheel stop made out of rubber or any other material, they are used in making the driver understand that they’re at the farthest end of the parking slot. Parking Bollards are not hazardous as there are fewer chances of tripping.

  • Parking Bollards in a parking spot

Although looking like very short little posts these Parking bollards play a very vital role in assuring security and providing guidance to the driver. Parking slots sometimes are situated in busy areas with people and vehicles moving all day. This further leads to both pedestrians and vehicles gathering around the parking slot. It is in this space that Parking Bollards become instrumental.

Parking bollards are used to convey proper intention, guide drivers of the vehicles, and protecting spaces of the pedestrians. All this is done without even providing a single visual sign or symbol. A Parking bollard situated in the front of a parking spot means reserving the spot for an authorised vehicle, lessening the need to go for tickets or security. A collapsible Bollard can turn a space from bike to vehicle parking with just a twist of the key. Bollards are a very useful tool in site designs as they offer clarity.


In short, it mainly helps with placing the car in the middle space of the slot. Parking bollards are also at times placed at the entrance of parking slots. Installing a parking bollard in the entrance prevents other drivers from accessing unauthorized spaces. This prevents a lot of chaos and confusion. Parking Bollards are of various uses. It depends upon what is the requirement of the post while installing a Parking Bollard.


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