Morgantown Delivery Service DubVEatz takes on Huge Corporations


It’s very challenging for a small business to take on a much larger business. The larger business has greater resources and more of a budget. That’s why it’s so impressive to see DubVEatz, a food delivery service, thriving in Morgantown, WV.

There are many established food delivery services. There’s Postmates, GrubHub, Uber Eats and more. DubVEatz co-owner Lee Roman knew this was the case whenever he started the business with his partners. Despite this, they had a plan to help them succeed against the stiff competition. How is it working out? So far, so good.

So how does this small business succeed against the food delivery giants? First off, they bring more variety to the customers in the area. Every day DubVEatz is working hard to expand the restaurant choices offered by their delivery service.


How exactly do they get more restaurants than the other delivery services? They provide faster delivery times and work hard to make sure both the restaurants and DubVEatz benefits from their partnerships.

You might be wondering how they came up the name for their business.

“This one is pretty simple. Dub V is a nickname for the state of West Virginia. It’s also a nickname for the West Virginia University sports teams. You put that with eatz and you have a short, but catchy name for a food delivery service,” Co-owner Lee Roman said.

What kind of food can you get from this food delivery service? It would probably easier to describe what foods you can’t get. There is everything from Chinese to Italian to bar food to Middle Eastern. Whether you are looking to order from Five Guys or Taco Bell, you are good to go. Traditional residents and students in Morgantown are able to satisfy any craving they have by opening up the DubVEatz app on their iPhone or Android.

The company has been open for over a year. While they obviously bring food to many people they also provide jobs in Morgantown. Whether you are a college student or someone looking to earn some extra cash, DubVEatz is a great way to earn some money.

This is a great story that shows you that with a great work ethic and a plan small businesses can succeed even when they are in direct competition with the giants of their industry. If you are in town make sure you check out this great Morgantown food delivery service.


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