An important checklist to consider for building a Two-bedroom granny flat


2 bedroom granny-flat

Granny flats might be a new concept for some people but on the other side it is the most interesting and beneficial aspect for many. It is a great investment trick that young couples are opting in order to make additional income for a smooth and ideal lifestyle. If there is an extra piece of land available in the premises then building a two-bedroom granny flat can be the most prospective option for the home owners. However, if you have no idea about how to go about with the construction of a granny flat, you can take some tips from the experts, research on the internet and expand your knowledge.

Requirements for a two bedroom granny flat

Home owners need to focus on certain considerations in order to build a granny flat, some of the most important ones are mentioned below:

1. Permission, obligatory aspect


No matter in which country you are, permission is required for building a two bedroom granny flat. After planning with the architect, the plans have to be submitted to the municipal department of the area. They will analyse various elements such as budget, structure, area, and other things before granting the permission. It is better to understand the eligibility criteria before seeking permission.

2. Designs to keep in mind

Two bedroom granny flat

The design for the granny flat with two bedrooms has to be decided in advance. You can take help from the architect and create rough sketches. Let your architect know about your budget, so that he could design according to your costing.

3. Security aspects to consider


When it comes to security, we look for risk free and securer options.  You can contact a security agency and get a free quote for the security system you are looking for. Good lighting is another feature that should be planned about. There should be lighting sources at the entrance and exit places, in pathways and also in the outdoor areas such as parking and lawns.

4. Fittings


When planning for fittings in a two bedroom granny flat, you need to choose reliable and experienced manufacturers. They offer you high standard products at affordable prices. In addition to this, they also give you warranty, so that you can have a peace of mind even after many years of construction of the flat.

5. Hiring services of a builder

two bedroom granny flat builder

 When you talk with the builder, ask every question that comes in your mind. Also, it is vital to make a written agreement on which every minute to complex component has to be added in order to avoid any hassles at a later stage. The builder should have experience in building granny homes, should have contact with the technicians, should be certified, organised and should have a good name in the industry.

6. Construction process

Construction process

Do not just leave everything to the service men; make sure you are available at every step and be updated with the advancing development during the building process. Whenever any problem seems to arise, you can try minimising it and overcoming.

7. Planning for interiors


After the major aspects related to building granny flat are achieved, home owners should think about the interior elements. It includes making bathroom decisions, installing kitchen units, fixtures, cupboards, making colour choices, and lots more. Sitting down with the experts can help in sorting out each and every requirement in a simple manner.

The above-mentioned requirements are to be surely considered in a systematic approach so as to accomplish the dream of constructing the best granny flat. Make sure to keep every point on the priority list when you are planning for the two bedroom granny flat. 


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