Importance Of Using Fire Rated Windows for you New Home



Fire Rated Windows

Do you wish to install fire rated windows in your new home? Are you aware of the fire rated windows? The fire rated windows are designed with the specialized glass that can take and control the high temperatures unless the other glasses. This fire rated windows are also the type of steel windows that can easily resist the flame. These type of windows not only protect home and the property fires from the spreading, but these windows also help the residents of the home avoid from the painful injuries during the accident where the glass breaks and the glass overheats happen.

Do you also want to protect yourself and your family from these types of accidents? If not then you must keep in mind to install the fire rated windows to protect yourself and your family from the accidents. This fire rated windows are very much important as the energy efficiency for the workers and the family members. Getting a good quality fire rated windows is the best possible way to add an extra protection from any type of accident.

Types Of Fire Rated Glass Available In The Market

Fire Rated Windows

  • Fire rated ceramic glass: These types of glasses can resist the high levels of the heat and it is usually used as the fireplace doors, safety glazing, and the cooking gas tops. While making the glasses they go from the very high flammable process which actually causes the crystallization of the glass. These crystallized glasses are formed and it becomes very thermally stable and very strong.
  • Wired glass: These are fire rated glasses which is made out of the glass sheet which contains the wire-meshed grid. In case the accident happens and the outbreak of the glass happens then the wire hold the glass when it is exposed to the heat of the fire. But the glass is not being highly resistant to the breakage due to the impact and you need to avoid such glass windows as fire rated windows.
  • Intumescent glass: This is the lacquered glass which is made of the alternate layer of the glass and it laminates. These types of window glasses are very strong and it also has a fire rating of the 3 hours. They have limited with fire-resistant sheets and they can easily block the heat from outside. Even if your rooms catch the fires then these glass windows can block the flames inside, and you will get enough time to rescue people from your house.
  • Specially tempered glass: From the name only you can guess how effective it can be. Normal tempered glass has to be treated so especially so it has become a special tempered glass. You must know that normal tempered glass has the fire rating of only 20 minutes which is not suitable for the safety of yourself and your family.

Now you might have the idea of the fire rated windows, these fire rated are very important for yourself and your family’ safety. You must install this fire rated windows in your home while constructing your home, or if you have not yet installed the fire rated windows in your house then hurry up and install the fire rated windows in your home as soon as possible. Because accident can happen anytime so be careful and protect yourself from the accident.

In this regard, you can search these fire rated windows online and take assistance from experts. But before installing these windows, you must check their quality and durability. Apart from that, always check the certification and customer reviews of these windows before you choose.


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