For some of us, it can reach the point in our career where we feel as though we need to make a change not only for our career prospects, but for our life in general. If you happen to find yourself in this position, have a look at these potential career opportunities that can make a change to your life.
If you are the type of person who loves a wonderful backdrop and great views, is constantly getting compliments on their Instagram pictures and loves a good picture – then photography could be the career choice for you! The great thing about photography is that there are numerous routes which you can go down with it. This can either be by going freelance, working directly with an agency or by working with fashion companies. Each of these routes will decide what type of experience you will have but all of them will give you the opportunity to travel the world and witness some great moments.
Foster Parent
Do you want make a good difference to other people’s lives, are you compassionate and good with children? Then choosing to foster a child can be the career choice for you. By becoming a foster parent, you will be able to make a difference in the life of a young person, and it turn this will change yours too. The reason it can be considered a career option is because most fostering agencies actually compensate parents with enough money so that they can look after the children properly.
Event Manager
Becoming an event manager is a job which really can’t be compared to any other. The reason for this is that is always busy and it is rare to have two days which are the same. For instance, one day you could be managing a 500-person dinner at a top of the range banqueting suite, and the next day you could be ensuring that a festival is being run smoothly. Certainly a change from the typical day-to-day jobs!
If you are somebody who is creative and loves to design things – then a great job for you can be to become a homemaker. This is a job which is tailor-made for a person who has a clear picture in their head for what looks good, and what doesn’t. This can be in terms of colours, deigns and furniture. In terms of the actual job, you can either work in-house for a business which sells home furnishings, or you can work freelance and allow homeowners to contact you when they need some inspiration for how to decorate their home.