8 Car Accessories For Millennials


There are lots of myths out there around how millennials buy cars and what they look for but unless car dealers do their own research and move their sales techniques with the times, this generation will simply look elsewhere. When buying a car, millennials are not going to be sold on the blingy, flash accessories of the previous generation. Go faster stripes and fluffy steering wheel covers are long gone!

With this generation it’s more about what’s inside the car, and the ability to make the car as personalised to them as possible. It’s also about technology convenience, and having the ability to connect to the internet and the outside world, while in the car.

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A recent study of millennial car buyers revealed that 73% wanted their vehicle to reflect their personality, and 70% agreed they wanted to customise the inside of the car, not the outside.  So forget flash and bling when trying to sell car accessories to millennials and instead consider these 8 car accessories:

  1. A car personalisation booth

Okay, this is not strictly an accessory for them to buy, but it’s something that will attract them to your dealership. A computerised booth where they can try out different designs and styles on a model of their car, to see how they can change it and personalise it, before committing. This kind of feature will help them to see there and then, as they are waiting to buy the car, all the potential accessories they could add and is a great sales tool to use for this generation.

  1. Navigation systems

If the car they are buying doesn’t come with a built-in navigation system this is definitely an accessory a millennial will want to consider having installed. Studies show this generation drives more and spends more time on the road than any previous generation so having a system to easily find your way around is vital.

  1. Customised interior design

Accessories which can be custom-designed and personalised to the car, such as custom floor mats, seat covers and seat belts are all accessories which this generation seeks out. Their car is a source of pride so making it stand out by looking different on the inside is a big boost. If the car buyer has the option to design elements of the car from scratch so much the better.

  1. Connection cables for smartphones

With this generation, having a single port where the cigarette lighter would be, is simply not enough. They will be looking for a car with multiple ports and cables to enable phones and tablets to be connected easily.

It’s not enough to have connections at the front of the car for the driver either. This generation would be looking to make it easy for their friends and passengers to plug in and connect while in the car as well, so the more connectivity available, the better.

  1. Infotainment items

With all those areas spent on the road, built-in infotainment items including music players, video and DVD players for passengers, phone chargers, all of these accessories will add to the personalisation and technology appeal for a millennial looking to buy a new car. They need to be easy to connect and easy to get up and running.

  1. Car protection products

Taking great pride in their cars is one of the areas where this generation stands out so accessories which help to protect the car, like self-healing paint, or wraps which can personalise the car and protect the paintwork at the same time, are all on their wishlist. This is a generation which will invest in protection cover for leather car seats so any kind of protection accessories to keep the car in tip top condition will be a great option.

  1. Driving safety technology

Any kind of accessories which can help to improve the driver safety experience is the perfect car accessory for a millennial driver. Technology which can help to improve driver vision such as blind spot detectors and systems with night vision built in to help improve vision when driving in the dark, are all accessories which this generation love, to help enhance their driving experience.

  1. Collision avoidance systems

Along similar lines are any technologies which can help drivers to avoid collisions, so reversing guidance systems, backup cameras and warning systems, are all car safety accessories which this generation will love and be looking to add to their car.

The millennial generation is all about the car, driving more miles than ever before, so accessories which enable them to make their mark, personalise their drive, keep them connected to the world and enhance their own driving experience, are perfect for this new breed of drivers. 


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