Points to Ponder Before Having a Custom Walk in Robe in Your Home


You need proper space to store your garments and belongings in an appropriate manner. No matter how much space you have in your home, the same falls sort and the dresses often end up in heaps, and it gets difficult to extract one out from the humungous stock, when in need.  You should consider about custom-built walk-in-wardrobe and transform your dressing room into a stylish area where you can store all your belongings. The main reason for selecting this wal-in-wardrobe is that it provides a place for every item and you can make custom wardrobes according to your requirements. Moreover, the apartment has some of the odd corners or area where no standard furniture can fit in, and space remains unutilized, you can use it to make a custom walk in robe where you can store all your garments and can have a clean look of the interiors. It is like one arrow shooting two.

Custom Walk in Robe
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Know About the Custom Walk in Robe

A custom walk in robe is not anything aberrant but a structured wardrobe where you can put all your garments and other valuable items of more or less regular use, in an arranged manner. They are crafted according to the space available in the apartments and are not like conventional standardized furniture. However, one needs to think and decide on specific features of this type of wardrobe before ordering and installing them.

Things to Think About

A good many things need to consider while designing these types of wardrobe. They need to be developed as per space and utility.

  • Doors – One needs to take a decision whether this type of furniture will have a sliding door, hinged door or open without any. In case of sliding doors, the custom walk in robe will open partially, and the shelf width will be less to accommodate them. Again, the hinged door needs more space to open at the outside that may not be possible considering the space crunch. If your wardrobe has no door, your belongings will be open and visible without any privacy. So, the door decision is to be taken according to space where it is going to be installed.
  • Entry Door or Open – You should also consider if there will be an entry door or it will be an open walk in robe. The entry door will allow the area to be hidden.
  • Units Inside – This is one of the primary parts of designing. One can have a vanity unit, study unit or even an office desk that will come inside the custom walk in robe. Defining the purpose is essential before ordering.
Custom Walk in Robe
Image by Almara
  • Drawers and Shelves – It is definite that your custom walk in robe will have some drawers and shelves. However, you should determine the number, height, and width of the drawers and shelves, so that proper utilization is made, and space is not wasted.
  • Hanger Area – The size for hanger area should also be determined. If it is less, it would be difficult to hang your coats and dresses. It should be in such a height that anybody can hang the hangers with ease and that the dresses and suites do not touch the floor underneath.
  • The Mirror – One should decide in advance that whether a mirror should be a part of the custom made walk in robe.

Custom Walk in Robe


It is always better to have a custom walk in robe in the area of the home where space remains unutilized. They are particularly suitable for the odd places attached to the bedroom so that things can be placed in an organization. They are most suited for areas in the house where other standard furniture will not fit in. They can be a large luxurious or innovative and practical walk in robe made according to space and the budget.


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