Know the Benefits of Wood Mulch for your garden


When it comes to interior décor, most people opt for wooden pallets to make them a part of their home décor and add beauty to it. However, the creative pursuits often ignore wood mulch as an option for exterior design. Many people do not know how the mulch can be used to create several beautiful pieces of decoration and what the benefits of mulch are. If you too have never heard of its benefits, then you definitely need to know how you can use this creative material for the outdoor areas of your house. You will have certainly amazed people in your neighborhood by using mulch for decoration purpose.

Wood Mulch

Let’s see what all benefits wood mulch holds for us:

 1. Repellant

If your home is suffering from pests and insects attack, then you can leverage wood mulch for repellants. Cedarwood is known to produce oil that can repel many insects and pests. If you have a garden or an ornamental vertical garden, which you feel can be bothered by insects, then get mulch of cedar wood and keep it in your garden under the plants. No wonder, your home garden will soon become the place that you will love to spend time in and insects will hate to be in.

2. Moisture

Wood mulch can be a great option if you want to retain moisture in your garden soil. Before water in the soil evaporates, mulch can hold it. If you want the soil in your garden to be moisturized, especially if you live in an arid region or a dry climate, then get wood mulch for your garden and help the roots of the plants to take up as much water as possible. This can also help the soil to get some shelter in dry seasons and remain cool during summers, therefore saving your plants from the heat.

Wood Mulch

3. Aeration

If you have a garden where you love walking, you may not know that walking over soil makes it more compact. This reduces the flow of air in the soil and can lead the roots of the plants to become strangled. The drainage to the soil is reduced and some part of soil is subjected to an excess of water. However, spreading wood mulch can help withstand the pressure of water, thereby protecting the soil from any negative impact. If you want to safeguard the soil in your garden, then you need to add mulch to your garden to the rescue.

4. Pathway

Walking over the garden grass is not liked by many people. If you are a caretaker of a public lawn, then you will definitely not like people to trample on the soft grass and reduce the aesthetics of the lawn. However, you need to provide a place for people to walk over and cross the garden from one point to another. Wood mulch can be a great option to create pathways so that there exists a trail without soil and people can walk easily on it without ruining the lawn. Moreover, this will give a natural aesthetic touch to the pathway which concrete roads cannot.

5. Erosion prevention

During the rainy season, the soil in the garden is prone to erosion. It is not hard to imagine soil being carried away by surface runoff. You definitely need something to hold the soil together. This is where wood mulch can be of use as it creates a surface for runoff without letting contact of rainwater with the soil underneath it. This way, new plants and seeds planted in the soil can be protected.

Mulch is the new trending material for enhancing the décor of your gardens and lawns and you have all the reasons to get it.


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