How To Keep Your House Cool Without AC With Roller Shutters?


Nobody likes the scorching heat during the summers. A home is supposed to provide us relief from the heat of the summers, and this is the reason why people install AC in their home. But, it is also true that when the AC is used all through the day, we usually end up with a huge electricity bill. No matter how efficient your AC is, the bills are always going to be a big one. So, is there any way to keep your house cool without using the AC 24×7? Well, there is a way, and it has come in the form of roller shutters. What is a roller shutter? It is a shutter made from a number of horizontal slats or bars that can be raised or lowered, either manually or automatically; hence the name- roller shutter. But, how these shutters can prove to be useful in keeping your house cool?

Roller Shutters
Roller Shutters


Most of the shutters are made from aluminium, plastic, or wood. A roller shutter can be used in the windows as well as doors because the transfer of heat usually takes place through the windows and doors.

When the AC is working inside a room and the window is not a properly sealed one, the heat from outside will definitely flow into your living space. But, when you install these shutters on the windows and doors, the flow of heat does not take place on a large scale. As a result, the AC working inside the home does not have to work harder in order to maintain that low temperature. In this way, you can save some good amount of money by minimizing the use of AC in your home.

The insulating property of these shutters also work in many more ways. Some of the roller based shutters have foam filled within them. The foam acts as a better insulator than wood or plastic. To be more precise, the foam is able to keep away 70% of the heat entering into the home during the summer days. At the same time, it can also work impressively during the winter days by stopping the heat to escape outside.

Roller Shutters
Roller Shutters

When it comes to purchasing a roller shutter for the windows, there are certain things to be kept in mind. The material certainly matters a lot. If you want to get optimum benefit of the roller shutters then you need to give more preference to the wooden shutters. The ones that come with the feature of foam are also quite effective in keeping the heat away from entering into the living space. Some of the shutters do not offer enough protection from the heat outside. The metal on the shutters get heated up, which in turn makes the  increases the temperature inside the home. So, you need to pay importance to the kind of roller shutter chosen.

The reliable and trusted dealers of shutters can help you to choose the most apt option according to the factors like- the climatic condition of the region where you live; the size of the rooms or living space; and the size of the windows as well. The selection should be done according to the above mentioned factors. Moreover, spend a little time on the internet to get some more idea about these shutters and the materials available. Once the installation is done, you will surely feel the advantages that are offered by these shutters. They will certainly prove to be great in the long run. 


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