Why funeral planning isn’t just for people over 60


There is no hiding from the fact that there are certain life events that can’t be ignored. These are subjects we may want to shy away from, but a failure to embrace our responsibilities may prove costly. More importantly, in some cases that accountability could be passed to someone else—often a loved one who we may hope to never burden.


Death is one of these topics. As much as we might want to ignore it, it will unfortunately happen to us all. The trauma and loss of a loved one can leave behind great psychological pain and suffering. But, not only is there an emotional impact when someone passes, there may be a financial one too.

You might feel too young to worry about this now, however having a plan for your funeral (and possibly beyond that) might be a good idea no matter how old you are.

Making a plan, no matter your age

Thanks to advancing medicine and technology, people in many countries are lucky enough to live well into their 80s, and sometimes even older. However, there is still a chance that anyone could develop a serious illness or suffer a deadly accident at any age.

While mortality figures are skewed towards the aged (particularly once people reach the age of 70), life throws all kinds of curveballs at us. Lifestyle diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardio vascular disease, strokes, etc.) are affecting people at younger ages more and more. There are also serious terminal illnesses, like certain types of cancer, that can affect younger adults.

Accidents are another thing to consider. Car accidents, though relatively rare, unfortunately kill people every day. Even if you’re a safe driver, common accidents in the home or workplace can also prove deadly.

This is why estate planning can be so important for the young and old alike. Many people ignore this responsibility because it can be a morose and depressing subject. Very few like to think about or discuss their own mortality. But leaving your family high and dry with the responsibility of picking up the pieces is probably not how we want to go.

Even a tiny bit of planning could go a long way towards easing some of the stress they may feel when arranging your funeral. Letting them know if you have any preferences—such as burial or cremation—could help them feel more confident as they face many questions in the wake of your death.

The importance of insurance


Just as we take out short-term insurance for our homes and vehicles in the event of a catastrophic accident, so we should plan for the costs associated with our passing.

Depending on your age, you may consider life insurance to help replace the income lost if you were to pass away prematurely. This might be especially useful if you have young children, a mortgage or other ongoing expenses that will need to be taken care of.

But what if you’re still fairly young, yet past the age where these things apply? The kids might be grown and the mortgage nearly paid off. If a funeral is the only real expense you may be leaving behind, then getting funeral insurance could be a good option.

Funerals can be expensive—a big reason why planning for this expense may be important for your family. The cost of a coffin and burial plot, plus extras like a headstone, the ceremony at the church, flowers and transport can all create significant financial burden, especially if you don’t have any insurance to help cover these costs. A lack of planning might place an unwanted and unfair responsibility on your family.

With funeral cover, a monthly contribution (known as premiums) will help ensure a lump sum payment at that sad time. Funeral cover could provide protection from debt that may be created by the burial. That way, those who are responsible for looking after the arrangements can use their own money for more important things, such as taking time off to grieve or continuing on with their daily lives.

Don’t hesitate on your funeral plans 

Dignity in death can help to soften the blow for the family left behind. By helping to provide for your funeral arrangements, you could be doing your loved ones a big favour. Whether it’s getting funeral insurance or making sure your Will is up-to-date, you don’t have to wait until your 60s to start your funeral planning.


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