How To Choose The Perfect Bifold Doors For Your Property


Bifold doors are a great way to open your home to the outside environment and let the natural light and air inside the home. The increasing demand for bi-folding doors has to lead to a growing number of distributors, and suppliers in the market. The bi-fold door has numerous benefits; it looks modern and requires very less space, saves energy, available in a range of colours, materials, and it can be customised, very durable, low maintenance, etc. Because of these benefits, everyone wants to install bi-folding doors in their homes. However, most of the people who wants to buy bi-folding door will have a lot of questions regarding do’s and don’ts of buying these doors and now we will discuss the same.

Bi-Fold Door

Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Bifold Doors

For most families, purchasing bifold doors is a huge investment, and these doors will be one of the important components of your home for a lifetime. Hence, it is very important to consider some of the important do’s and don’ts when buying bi-folding doors:


  • Know your order: Have a look at the actual bi-fold door set up before you make a final decision. Bi-folding doors can vary greatly, especially in terms of cost and quality. Hence, you don’t want to make any mistake when spending a significant amount of money on a set of door. The best way to do this is, try before you purchase. You can visit the showrooms, take a look at the setup, and clarify your doubts with experts.
  • Ask about weather guarantees: No one wants wind forcing through their new set of doors during winter or rainy season. So, when buying bifold doors make sure to ask your supplier about the specific details such as whether your doors have guarantees for weather and other damage. This is very important, especially for external bi-folding doors.
  • Make sure guarantee has insurance: Always make sure doors are issued with an insurance backed guarantee. It gives you a peace of mind that your guarantee won’t go invalid even if the company goes on loss and shuts its unit down.
  • Make sure your doors comply with building regulations: Ask your supplier if your bifold doors pass building’s current regulations. Collect all the related certificates and documents and keep it safely with you so that you can transfer it easily to the new owner in case you’re selling the house in future.
  • Ask for references: Your supplier should be able to connect you with past customers. This way, you’ll get an idea about the appearance of doors after installation.

Bi-Fold Door


  • Don’t choose bi-folding doors with an external track: High-quality, genuine bifold doors come with built-in tracks. Doors with external tracks are usually tweaked to function as bi-folding doors. Moreover, there is a security risk with such doors as external tracks can be lifted.
  • Don’t buy PVC bi-folding doors: Be it strength, thermal efficiency, maintenance, or style, PVC bi-folding doors stick to the last position when compared to other materials such as aluminium and timber. So, avoid choosing PVC bi-folding doors.
  • Avoid floating mullions: Do not buy doors with floating mullions. Mullions are nothing but additional materials stuffed between door leaf, this will cause doors to malfunction.
  • Don’t make a purchase based on the only price: “You get what you pay for” is purely true when it comes to bifold door shopping. You may need to invest a little more amount if you want high quality, stylish bifold doors.

Don’t fall for selling techniques: Some suppliers may say bottom rolling variants are better than top-hung or vice-versa. These are all selling techniques. Practically, both variants are equally good. So, choose the one based on your requirement.


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