Bed Bug Prevention For Your Home Furniture


‘Bed Bug Treatment’ is one of the most searched words over Google. Getting rid of bed bugs is a pain in the throat and most of the tricks fail. Many people watch them build families in their homes while the rest are not aware that they are sharing their beds with the bugs. Here is everything that you need to know about bed bugs and their infestation to get rid of them.

Bed Bugs and their breeding:

Bed bugs are quick crawlers that feed on the blood of humans and pets. There is a false notion that they feed on wood but this is a myth. Bed bugs live on furniture as they are the best hideouts. You could find them in the tiniest of the creeks and holes that cannot be reached by you. Talking about their lifecycle, bed bugs are quick breeders. A bed bug can live up to a year if it survives from getting smashed by you or comes in contact with a bed bug repellent. A female bed bug can lay up to 200 eggs during her entire life and each of this egg take about 6 days to hatch out.

Ways For A Bed Bug To Get On Your Furniture:

bed bug

A bed bug can enter your home and furniture in many ways. Here are the most common ways that a bed bug can enter and begin an infestation.

  • The bugs can come home with your kid by getting on to her bag from the school furniture as school furniture is often ignored and is not given bed bug treatment.
  • The bugs can be picked up from the office furniture or hotel furniture into your home without your knowledge.
  • It can be hiding in the second-hand furniture that had no bed bug prevention treatment done and you have got it home.
  • Bed bugs can also be transmitted into your home from the visitors who have bed bugs on their furniture.

Tips That Help You Find Out Bed Bug Infestation:

Finding out bed bugs on your bed is not rocket science. All you need to do is to be alert. Here are some of the tips that help you find out that bed bugs co-live with you before it is too late.

  • Look at your body. If you find small red bites that are itchy and red, be rest assured that you are sleeping with these tiny creatures.
  • You may also find broken eggshells that are very minute over your furniture corners. These are the remains of the hatched bed bugs.
  • Bloodstains on your mattress, bedspread, and pillow are a green signal for you to hunt for bed bug repellents.
  • Observe your mattress keenly and you would find tiny black feces of these little bugs.
  • Turn on the room light in the middle of the night or when you suddenly feel itchy amidst deep sleep. You can spot these bugs run into their hideouts.

Bed Bug Prevention Hacks:

Bug Infestation

Bed Bug infestation  can be completely eradicated without using all the tough smelling chemical-based pesticides. All you have to do is go natural and follow the hacks religiously.

  • Get a peppermint bed bug spray. Bed bugs cannot stand the smell of peppermint oil and within no time get away from your furniture.
  • Vacuum clean your furniture thoroughly and make sure you use the suction in all the creeks and holes.
  • Another bed bug repellent method is to use a hairdryer. The heat from the dryer kills the bed bugs.
  • Wash your bedspreads thoroughly. Change them regularly and maintain hygiene.
  • Sprinkle some baking soda in the furniture holes and corners. This dries out the bed bugs and you can throw away the shells.


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