Basic Carpentry Projects That a Painter Can Help You With


While any novice painter can paint a fence or even a wall, a professional painter can create a surface that looks polished to perfection. This comes as no surprise however since these paint experts have both the skills and the technical know-how required for the job and also color expert.

If you want to do an above average job on your latest home improvement project, then you might want to ask for the assistance of a professional painter. Listed below are a few ways that a painter can help you with your carpentry and painting projects.

Painting Cabinets

Painting Cabinets

Assembling or even disassembling a cabinet can be  a simple enough task.  However, painting kitchen cabinets requires a greater amount of patience and preparation. Once you have detached the cabinet door or drawer from the main recess, carefully remove any external hardware that you would not want to paint or stain.

Afterwards, you should ask a professional painter to determine whether the cabinet is made of a laminate or pure wood. This step is crucial since different materials can require different types of primer.

Likewise, if your cabinet still has a considerable amount of paint left on it, you should let home painters determine whether the paint is oil or water-based. Aside from the actual material, the type of paint used to coat the bare surface can also determine the type of paint primer that should be used. For instance, an oil-based finish requires an oil-based primer paint and the same goes for water-based finishes.

After the most suitable primer paint is applied, you can simply repaint the entire cabinet with three separate layers of paint. Reattach the hardware after the paint has completely dried.

Chairs, Tables, and Other Furniture

Painting Cabinets

The most important feature after paint colors and other stuff that you would want to preserve in your wooden furniture would be the gorgeous natural grain. For this reason, you should use a clear paint primer that will enable you to see the wood grain even after the final coat of paint.

Also, although oil-based primers and paints are the most commonly recommended materials used on wooden furniture, a professional painter can help you choose the most suitable option based on the type of wear and tear that you will subject the furniture to. For instance, if the furniture will likely experience frequent use, the painter could recommend that you also apply an oil-based top coat that can create a much more durable surface.

Conversely, furniture that is constructed out of more textured material such as wicker would need a different type of paint treatment. Professional painters could suggest that you use spray paint on a wicker chair or sofa since applying paint using a brush could destroy the material’s beautiful texture. Additionally, any metal furnishings can simply be spray painted with a special type of paint that prevents rust and corrosion.

A brief bio about author:

Jason Coke – Owner/CEO

Jason’s extensive 10 year experience in the housing industry, brings a unique vision to the painting industry on how deliver products and services to customers.  Mr. Coke’s experience is diverse and includes collaboration with some of the Dallas-Fort Worth Area’s  top interior designers and decorators.  He also has been involved in construction of homes with one of the nation’s largest home builders.

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